Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Life with Teens

Never a dull moment.  They cause unfair amount of stress and grey hair.  They are convinced they know everything, or at least know more than I do on any given topic.  They have it all figured out, need nor want advice and seemingly believe I can't possibly relate to the trials, tribulations and daily drama of their lives. Yet, we don't just throw them to the curb when they cross the threshold to become a teenager.  We dig deep and find reasons why we like having them around despite the heartburn and grey hair they bring about.

Camryn's Snapchat response to me getting bit by a spider.
1. They make me laugh. Their smart mouths and sharp tongues are surprisingly witty.  Not always at the best of times but just so happens when I need it most, they have me in stitches.  

2.  They are helpful.  They can let the dogs out and not run out with them.  They can bring in groceries from the car. They can unload the dishwasher, take out the trash, fix my phone when I have messed up some settings, or teach me he to use the latest apps. 

3. They can wipe their own butts.  That's all.  

4. They can cut their own food and pace their bites at a proper rate while using table manners.  Often, however, the table is where the quick wit comes about and either gets them quickly dismissed or has me nearly peeing my pants.  

5.  They love their siblings and would do anything in the world for them.  Truly. They are all very lucky to have each other but the non-teen has no idea just how fortunate he is to have his big brother and sister. 

6. They do not bite, pull hair or scratch me in public. Or private for that matter.  
Austin helping his brother drive a golf ball.

7.  They may not follow the rules to a T but they do not throw their drink cups on the floor after every sip.  Or out of the window of the car.  

8. They bathe themselves.  Drying off before leaving the shower may not be completely mastered by all just yet but they are able to take care of showering all by themselves.  

9.  When they are tired, they go to bed.  The end. 

10. They keep in touch in a myriad of ways throughout the day.  Call, text, Facebook, Instagram, snapchat.  I am always an app away from communicating with them no matter where they are.  And they aren't too cool to respond to Mama.  

I miss my kiddos being little. I miss holding their hands to cross the street, tucking them in, reading them bedtime stories, watching the same movie a dozen or so times until the next favorite flick came along.  I miss practicing math facts and spelling words in the car.  I miss ice hockey practice and cooking classes.  I miss candy cane ponytails and painting nails.  And so much more.  But I could not be more proud of the young adults they are becoming.  They are learning and growing every day at seemingly warp speed.  While I can't slow the hands of time, I can enjoy every minute of every stage with all of them knowing that all too quickly they will outgrow it and move on.  

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